Our museum shop and ticket counter is found through the first door on the right as you enter the old military hospital from Erling Skakkes street.
Enjoy a cup of coffee underneath a false Munch painting. In our reception you can purchase your ticket to both buildings. You will also find seating, museums objects and a museum shop.
One exhibit is a copy of a Munch painting. The painting was so believable that the forger was thought to have stolen a real Munch painting to sell. The act of stealing has a higher punishment than forgery, so the forger had to prove he could paint. He did so in front of the court at the local police station. The court was convinced and he was only punished with nine months prison for forgery.
You will also find objects made by prisoners in the middle of the 19th century. Another cabinet shows a violin case used during prohibition (in Norway 1916-1927) to smuggle liquor.
In the museum shop you can buy items made by prisoners in Norway today, including the coffee brand “straffekaffe” (punishment coffee).
The objects exhibited in the reception can be views on Digitalmuseum.no here (Note: only in Norwegian)