Why are there works of art by Munch, Zorn and Grimdalen in the Musum of Justice’s collection? Is everything that looks like art, really art? Can art become a crime? What is inspiration, and what is fraud?
You can find the exhibition “FAKE” in the western wing of the Criminal asylum on the ground floor. A translation of the exhibit can be found in the catalogue.
Fake art is a type of deception that can be difficult to uncover. Art is sold in an environment where trust is crucial. Therefore, artists, as well as art dealers and buyers, are vulnerable to forgeries.
In this exhibition, the Justice Museum showcases various cases that have gone through the legal system from the early 1900s up to today. Despite this type of fraud being strictly punished, many have tried their luck.
In a time where authenticity is constantly being challenged by technology, the line between an homage and a copy is very relevant. What is allowed, and where is the line? To draw a copy, signed with your own name, is in itself allowed. In the exhibition visitors can try themselves – draw a copy of one of the works on the “copy table”. Remember to sign with your own name and hang it on our wall if you want.