From clues to punishment
Explore true crime from Trondheim. See the earliest fingerprint case in Norway and discuss cases old and new. Learn about the justice system through both old and new cases. We explore our three main exhibits.
Duration: 1 hour.
Place: Justismuseet in Trondheim
Participants: Maximum 30 students
Age group: Adjusted for age
If you wish to see a little of everything, or focus on a topic of particular interest, please let us know and we will make your tour bespoke at no extra cost.
Please book through We will send an invoice after your visit, or you can pay in the reseption.
Large groups (15-30 people) 950 NOK
Small group (7-15 people) 750 NOK
Prices for one hour programs. For special programs or groups please contact us.
In CLUES we explore the police’s role in the judicial process. The investigator’s what, how and why.
In PUNISHMENT we invite visitors to reflect on how and why we punish through four main principles: safety, deterrence, rehabilitation and society’s sense of justice.
An educational tour of our exhibits can focus on many different topics: justice, fairness, the rule of law, the purpose of punishment, criminality and the justice-based society. We take a historic view to look at contemporary questions about law and the concept of justice.
Our tours are dialogue-based, meaning we encourage the students to shape their own tour. We can focus the tour based on the class’ interest.
Contact information:
Tlf: 73 50 03 05 | 46 74 97 11
Office hours are Mon-Fri, from 10 to 15