Category: <span>Educational programs upper secondary school</span>

Explore the museum!

The museum is for everyone, regardless of age, their ability to focus or to be quiet. We would like to invite everyone curious and adventurous to explore the museum with a guided tour designed around the visitors’ needs.

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To care and punish – Walking tour

Kalvskinnet is a unique part of the city of Trondheim. During the 17th century it became a district full of insitutions for the sick, poor and criminal. The “To care and punish” walking tour looks at how the treatement of these groups all focused on incarceration, discipline, education and punishment.

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Why do we punish?

Why does a society need to punish certain acts? Join us on a tour of the old Slavery and learn about punishment throughout history!

Les mer

The Prison of Madness

What does it mean to be not guilty by reason of insanity? How has society treated the these people in the past? The exhibit is housed in the old Criminal Asylum, where students explore what life as a patient might have been like.

Les mer